Tusculum Road Park is now Mariposa Park! On December 6, 2022, the Park Board formally adopted the name which means "butterfly" in Spanish. The name reflects the diversity of the surrounding community and the butterfly - many species of which migrate across continents - symbolizes the immigrant experience.
Metro Parks has recently acquired a 10-acre property on Tusculum Road to be developed as Nashville's next great park! It is one of the few properties in the area that remains largely undeveloped and will now be permanently protected as open space. The new park will help fulfill Metro Park's strategic goal of prioritizing new parks for residents living in in areas of Davidson County that are currently underserved.

The first step in park development is creating a master plan. The master plan will establish a long-term vision for the enhancement of the site, identify the types and arrangement of recreational amenities to be provided, and include priorities for preservation of the land's environmental assets including an extraordinary tree canopy.
The master plan will build on countywide goals for Nashville's park system as recommended in Plan to Play, the 2017 parks and greenways master plan. In addition, the plan should reflects the values, needs and priorities the people who live in the immediate community. Over the course of the master planning process, we'll have three different rounds of public input.
Project Timeline

Fall 2022 - Project Kickoff / Site Research / First Round of Community Engagement
Winter 2022 - Conduct Survey / Develop Conceptual Plan / Second Community Engagement
Spring 2023 - Third Community Engagement / Finalize Conceptual Master Plan
First Public Meeting
In October 2022, Metro Parks hosted a public meeting to solicit a first round of input from the community.
First Public Meeting presentation materials
Based on public input and continued site assessment, Metro Parks developed multiple concepts to present to the community at a Second Public Meeting.
Second Public Meeting
A Second Public Meeting was held in March 2023, at which the public was invited to explore the undeveloped park property for the first time, and to provide input on master plan concepts.
An online survey was conducted after the second public meeting.
Summary of the Responses to the the Survey from the Second Public Meeting
Third Public Meeting
A Third Public Meeting was held on April 13, 2023 at Cole Elementary School to present an updated Master Plan Concept. Additional input was gathered from neighbors to help shape the Final Mariposa Park Master Plan.
Here is a recap of the third public meeting's activities.
If you were not able to attend, you can view the Third Public Meeting Presentation Materials and Master Plan Concept for Mariposa Park here.
Final Master Plan
The final Mariposa Park Conceptual Master Plan has been released.

Thank you to everyone who attended the public meetings, called, or sent comments by email.
Further details about the Mariposa Park design and construction schedule will be posted here as they are available. Please contact us at any time with comments or questions by emailing metroparks@nashville.gov.