Tours are scheduled typically the last Thursday of each month, excluding holidays. All Crime Laboratory tours, and Community Outreach requests must be submitted to the Crime Laboratory via email:
The request must contain the following information:
- The name of the requestor and affiliated organization
- Number of attendees and nature of the business (i.e. 15 students from Nashville State College)
- Contact information including daytime phone number and email address.
- Whether the request is for Laboratory Tour or Community Outreach
- Approximate date desired and time frame with a backup date.
Laboratory Tour Group Guidelines
- High School students must be accompanied by chaperones and participating in coursework related to Forensic Science
- College/University students’ coursework must be related to Forensic Science
- Groups of no more than 20 persons
- No Elementary School or Middle School groups will be considered for Crime Laboratory tours.
- No open toe footwear in the laboratory.
- No food or drinks are allowed during the tour.
- No photos are allowed in the laboratory during the tour.
Community Outreach Guidelines
- The context of the material provided for lectures and presentations outside the Crime Laboratory will be modified to accommodate the appropriate age group. Approval is required by Crime Laboratory management.
- The specific topic or theme (specific topic that you would like to present) if applicable.
- The number of Crime Laboratory personnel needed for the event.
- Approximate age group of attendees
- Approximate number of attendees