The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department is committed to fostering a culture of accountability and transparency with the community that we protect and serve. As a part of this effort, MNPD has created police data dashboards to provide the public with timely, accurate, and actionable data.
The public information on this site is reflective of data stored in MNPD's Records Management System, and is subject to change as classification changes sometimes occur during investigative follow-up. The statistics shown are for informational purposes only and should not be considered official counts for the Department, unless otherwise stated.

Uniform Crime Reporting Incidents Map
Interactive map and aggregated count of Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Part I incidents reported to police. Data can be summarized by MNPD Precinct, Zip, or Metro Council District.

Uniform Crime Reporting Victim and Suspect Demographics
Comparison of victims and suspect demographics for UCR Part I crimes against population counts from the U.S. Census Bureau. Data can be summarized by MNPD Precinct, Zip, or Metro Council District.

Gunshot Injuries Map
Interactive map of fatal and nonfatal gunshot injury incidents reported to police. Included fatal and non-fatal gunshot injuries but not suicide, accidental shooting or property damage incidents.

Firearms in Nashville
Aggregated statistics of gun-related crime reported to MNPD. Data can be summarized by MNPD Precinct, Zip, or Metro Council District.

Domestic Violence Victim Demographics
Aggregated statistics regarding victims of domestic violence from MNPD incident reports. Data can be summarized by MNPD Precinct, Zip, or Metro Council District.

Vehicle Crashes Map
Interactive map of vehicle crash data collected via the Tennessee Integrated Traffic Analysis Network (TITAN).

Vehicle Stops Map
Interactive map of vehicle stop data collected via MNPD Form 252 - Vehicle Stops Data Form. Includes: gender, race, and ethnicity of driver; reason for stop; result of stop.

Vehicle Stop Outcomes
Summary of MNPD motor vehicle stop outcomes, as well as the officer’s reason for conducting the stop. Data can be summarized by MNPD Precinct, Zip, or Metro Council District.

Driver Demographics - Vehicle Stops and Crashes
Motor vehicle stop and crash driver demographics for UCR Part I crimes against population counts from the U. S. Census Bureau. Data can be summarized by MNPD Precinct, Zip, or Council District.

Police Interactions
Comparison of victim, suspect, arrestee, Use of Force subject, and vehicle stop driver demographics against population counts from the U. S. Census Bureau.

Use of Force
Summarizes data about MNPD Use of Force events, including subjects of force, officers reporting force, and force applications. Data can be summarized by MNPD Precinct, Zip, or Metro Council District.

MNPD Employee Demographics
Summary of demographics of MNPD employees with an active employment status.

MNPD Officer Attrition
Summarizes information about the employment process for individuals seeking employment as an MNPD sworn officer.

Community Engagement
Summary of community events and activities that MNPD personnel were involved or participated in, including, but not limited to, neighborhood meetings, charitable activities, and school programs.

Police Response Time
Police response time is the number of minutes between receipt of 911 or non-emergency call and arrival by first police responder. Information in this dashboard is summarized by year and response code.

License Plate Reader Hits and Results
Summary of information collected by MNPD License Plate Readers and results, including hits identified via LPR, hits verified by MNPD, vehicle stops, searches, arrests, and vehicle recoveries