Domestic violence is a complex issue and one that many times crosses over into other family and societal dynamics such as: Child/Elder/Mental/Sexual Abuse, Drug/Alcohol Abuse, Animal Cruelty, Bullying, Stalking, Cyber Crimes, Human Trafficking/Prostitution and other various Criminal Activities.
It takes a collaborative effort between Victims, Police, Courts, various Metro Departments, Citizens, Clergy, Businesses, Athletes/Coaches and Profit/Non-Profit Agencies in order to be successful in ending the cycle of violence and holding offenders accountable.
Studies have shown that 1 in 4 women will experience intimate partner violence in her lifetime and 1 in 5 women are raped in their lifetime. The majority of rapes are by someone that is known and is one of the most under reported crimes.
Every 9 seconds in the U.S. a woman is assaulted or beaten. Although we know that women are the majority of our victims we are also aware that men are impacted from these crimes as well:1 in 71 men in the United States have been raped in their lifetime and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Additionally, 1 in 15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence each year and 90% of these children are eyewitnesses to this violence. Without help, boys who witness domestic violence are far more likely to become abusers of their partners and/or children as adults, thus continuing the cycle of violence in the next generation.
It takes a collaborative effort to be positive role models in order to “Change a Culture" - a culture that is portrayed as tolerating violence against women. Please join us in making an effort to "Change the Culture."
Domestic Violence Division's High Risk Wanted
Contact the Domestic Violence Division
Call 911 if you have a police emergency.
- For Family Intervention Program Counselors/advocates, call 615-862-7773.
- For a Domestic Violence detective, call 615-880-3000.
- For the Family Safety Center, call 615-880-1100.
Phones are manned Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. After 10 p.m. call 615-862-8600 (Note: Evening investigators may be in at other hours).
Division Captain
Administrative Assistant - Christie Simpson
Additional Staff Contacts
Police Department Headquarters
600 Murfreesboro Pk
Domestic Violence Division, Suite 102
Domestic Violence Documents
The Domestic Violence Section of the Metro Nashville Police Department thinks that you should know some of the warning signs of Domestic Abuse and the responses you can receive. Look through our sections below and see if there are multiple warning signs that are occurring in your life. Then look to see the responses available, which can help you and your family out of this type of situation. Remember domestic violence does not tend to end but escalate in both severity and frequency the longer a victim waits before taking action. There is help and information available for you to break this cycle of violence.
- Teen Dating Violence Brochure
- Order Of Protection and other Related Forms
- History of the Domestic Violence Division, MNPD
- Stalking, Safety and Threat Assessment
- Fifty Forward - Victory Over Crime
There are resources available for you. You are not alone. In an emergency situation, always call 911. Emergency situations can include a recent threat of violence, a recent act of violence, or if you or someone else is in imminent danger. For non-emergency number from the Nashville Police Department 615-862-8600
If you are a victim of non-consensual pornography that resides in the US, call our toll-free helpline anytime for support and advice: 844-878-2274
- National Child Abuse Hotline: 800-422-4453
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
- Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network: 800-656-4673
- National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline: 866-331-9474
- Nashville Area YWCA Domestic Violence Support Groups
- Smart 911 Domestic Violence Poster / Information
- Cyber Exploitation - remove images from the web
- Victim Connect: 855-484-2846 (855-4-VICTIM), rights and options for crime victims