Section Supervisors
- Lt. Nicholas McCluskey:
- Sgt. Adam Earle:
- Sgt. Barry Scarbrough:
- Administrative Assistant Katherine Hawkins:
Cases investigated by this section include commercial burglary, residential burglary, and theft from building. Incidents that have a known suspect, and the victim and suspect have a domestic relationship, are investigated by our Domestic Violence Division. We work closely with the Precincts and other investigative elements to quickly get suspects identified and attempt to get as much property back to the rightful owners. Any questions concerning an existing case can be directed to the investigating detective or
Tips to Deter Burglaries
- Meet and become acquainted with neighbors or other businesses on all sides.
- Belong to the neighborhood watch program.
- Record serial number for valuable items in the business or home.
- Ensure flood or motions lights are functioning properly at night.
- Have quality cameras on the exterior and interior of the business or home, ensure the cameras are functioning properly, and ensure the footage is being stored securely.
- Shrubs, bushes, and other plant growth within four feet of a sidewalk, driveway, door, or gate maintained at height of two feet or less.
- Fence gates are kept locked around the home or property.
- Detached buildings on the property (garage, shed, etc.) are kept locked.
- Overhead garage door Is kept closed when not in use.
- Exterior doors are solid core constructed or metal encased.
- Exterior doors are kept locked, even when someone is home.