Join the Nashville Department of Transportation and Nashville Connector as we celebrate Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Week beginning Monday, September 18 through Friday, September 22. Transportation Demand Management Week is an annual opportunity to educate the Nashville community on Transportation Demand Management. It enables commuters, businesses, and communities to learn how to embrace alternative travel options including carpooling, using transit, biking, walking and more.
Events to attend to learn more include:
- Lunch and Learn with WeGo on Monday, September 18 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Bike Safety Lunch and Learn with Vanderbilt on Tuesday, September 19 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Transportation Demand Management Summit on Friday, September 22 at the Titan’s Stadium from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
At the summit, you will hear from leaders at the Nashville Department of Transportation, Tennessee Department of Transportation, WeGo Public Transit, and the Transit Alliance about upcoming transit events. Plus, network with different groups and learn about ongoing sustainable transportation projects going on in Middle Tennessee.
“Recognizing Transportation Demand Management Week underscores Nashville's commitment to fostering smart and sustainable transportation choices,” said Southeast Association for Commuter Transportation President Tanisha Hall. “Through lower-cost strategies, such as carpooling, biking, public transit, and telecommuting, we aim to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and enhance residents' overall quality of life. This week provides an opportunity to engage stakeholders, from area businesses to government agencies to promote Transportation Demand Management solutions. By working together, residents have better access to education, employees have better access to jobs, and we prioritize the well-being of our environment and the citizens of the Nashville region.”
Take the pledge to be car-free during Transportation Demand Management Week and enter to win a grand prize of an e-bike! Register on our website and track a trip through our app in order to qualify for the e-bicycle.
These events are free and open to all. We just ask that you preregister. Learn more about Transportation Demand Management week and all of the scheduled events.
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