2022 WalknBike Plan
The 2022 WalknBike Plan serves as a blueprint to make Nashville more walkable and bikeable over the next three years. WalknBike 2022 updates the 2017 WalknBike plan, laying the foundation for expedited delivery of projects that are both needed and constructible.
The Metro Planning Commission adopted the 2022 WalknBike update on May 12, 2022.
- 2022 WalknBike Plan
- 2022 WalknBike Plan Summary
- Sidewalk Network and Projects Map
- Bikeway Network and Projects Map
- 2022 WalknBike Steering Committee
Learn more about Sidewalk and Bikeway Projects
Sidewalk and Bikeway Online Tracker
The Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) provides and maintains two online trackers: one for sidewalk projects and one for bikeway projects.
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) maintains a tracker for state projects on their iTrip Dashboard.
WalknBike Vision Statement
The Nashville bicycle and pedestrian system will be a network of high-quality, comfortable, safe sidewalks and bikeways, connecting people to opportunity. The system, inclusive to users of all ages and abilities, will promote and encourage safety, health, education, and active transportation.

WalknBike Plan: Anna Dearman
Related Plans
- 2017 WalknBike Plan
- Vision Zero
- Choose How You Move
- East Bank Development Plan
- NashvilleNext General Plan and Access Nashville City Transportation Plan
- Plan to Play Parks and Greenways Plan
The Groove Bike Map
Frequently Asked Questions
The WalknBike Plan is centered around the idea of creating a network of high-quality, comfortable, and safe sidewalks and bikeways that connect people to opportunity. The system, inclusive to users of all ages and abilities, was to promote and encourage safety, health, education, and active transportation. The first version of the plan was released in 2017.
The 2017 plan laid out a good foundation for sidewalk and bikeway planning and several projects, policies and programs were implemented because of it. Additionally, Nashville experienced a lot of growth since the 2017 plan. WalknBike 2022 focuses on two key objectives: plan implementation and project delivery.
You can report a damaged sidewalk or request a new sidewalk by submitting a request through hubNashville online at hub.Nashville.gov or by calling 311. Reports of debris in the bike lane, missing or damaged bollards, and requests for new bikeways can also be made through hubNashville.
The Nashville Vision Zero Action Plan looks at crash data, identifies crash hotspots, and aims to recommend ways to make streets safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and other vulnerable roadway users. The goal of the program is to eliminate traffic fatalities in the city. Information from the Vision Zero planning effort helps inform the WalknBike plan by sharing safety data and policies developed through their planning effort.