Tactical urbanism is an action-oriented approach using temporary measures to quickly test solutions to roadway challenges in the public realm. It is also known as planning by-doing or pop-up urbanism and has been happening in Nashville since 2012, when Civic Design Center held the community’s first Park(ing) Day.
The Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) has created a Tactical Urbanism Guide to assist local applicants in developing, permitting, and installing tactical urbanism projects. In 2024 and 2025, NDOT will also provide funding support for community-led tactical urbanism projects using a competitive process.
Tactical Urbanism Permitting
For community organizations that have already completed planning for a tactical urbanism project and have secured funding to install the project, the next step is seeking formal approval to install the project by requesting a Tactical Urbanism permit. Review the Tactical Urbanism Guide for guidance on items reviewed in the permitting process.
Email completed permit applications with all supporting documentation to Tactical.Urbanism@nashville.gov.
Tactical Urbanism Funding Program
In 2024, NDOT will begin providing access to funding for materials and installation costs for projects led by community organizations and neighborhood groups.
Application Process
Community organizations and neighborhood groups can submit a project to be considered for funding by sending a Tactical Urbanism Permit Application to Tactical.Urbanism@nashville.gov. Details regarding future calls for projects are expected in early 2025.
Project funding for awarded projects will be capped at $20,000.
Likely expenses for these projects are materials, such as paint, planters, and delineators (or other materials found in the Tactical Urbanism Guide pgs. 68-76), artist fees, traffic control plan development/traffic control staffing, and data collection expenses.
Applicant organizations will coordinate work and decision-making on funded projects, but will not receive funds directly, nor receive reimbursement for supplemental expenses related to project delivery. Instead, expenditures will be approved via existing NDOT procurement processes. NDOT is able to provide information on existing approved vendors lists to facilitate project planning.
Design Guidance
Potential applicants should first review the contents of the Tactical Urbanism Guide to become acquainted with design guidance for the program. Additionally, potential applicants can request to schedule a pre-application consultation with NDOT staff by e-mailing Tactical.Urbanism@nashville.gov.