We recognize that all residents deserve access to safe, efficient, and pleasant streets. Unfortunately, the demand for traffic calming treatments exceeds our resources to plan, design, and construct these projects. To provide a fair evaluation of the very high number of neighborhoods desiring to participate, applications for traffic calming are accepted only during specified times. By limiting the application period, our staff can compress data collection activities and studies to ensure efficiency and equity in neighborhood street evaluations. The Neighborhood Street Traffic Calming (NSTC) program will open its application window again March 3, 2025 through March 17, 2025.
We encourage residents to review the Traffic Calming Toolkit before submitting a new application to see what measures are available within this program, and to make sure this is a good fit for your street’s needs. If after review, you do not believe that this program is a good fit, we encourage you to visit hubNashville. There are many other options for your street via the hub, such as sign requests, paving requests, sidewalk requests, traffic engineering requests, and much more!
Please also review the Traffic Calming Tracker to see if there is already an application on the street of concern. The application must be approved by a neighborhood organization or at least four (4) separate residence owners whose property abuts the street of concern. If this requirement is not met, the application will be denied.
If you have any questions, please contact the Neighborhood Street Traffic Calming (NSTC) program team at NDOTTrafficCalming@nashville.gov, or call the program manager, 615-862-8302.
Submit a New Application for Traffic Calming