The Metropolitan Code needed to be updated in order to align with the updates the Nashville Department of Transportation made to the new Multimodal Transportation Analysis Guidelines. The subject ordinance amended various provisions of Chapter 17.20.140 of the Code relating to Traffic Impact Studies. The changes were decided upon to provide clarification on the expectations set forth by the Nashville Department of Transportation and will include multimodal and safety analysis in alignment with current plans, policies, and strategies adopted by the Nashville Department of Transportation and other Metro Departments.
Ordinance amendments include the following.
Title Clarification
The new title is ‘17.20.140 - Multimodal Transportation Analysis.’
Levels of Analysis Adjustment
The ‘Traffic Access Study’ and ‘Traffic Impact Study’ titles have been adjusted to ‘Level 1’ and ‘Level 2’. Additional aspects of the studies have been added (multimodal and safety analyses).
The rezoning analysis has remained as it exists.
Additional Subsection Added: Multimodal Transportation Analysis Scoping
This subsection has been added to provide clarity of what the expectations are for the Multimodal Transportation Analysis scoping process.
A timeline for the Nashville Department of Transportation to provide comments or approval to the applicant has been added of 10 business days from the time of submittal.
Approval of Multimodal Transportation Analysis Timelines
The applicant is to submit and get the Multimodal Transportation Analysis finalized with the Nashville Department of Transportation prior to the Planning Commission review.
The time to review a Multimodal Transportation Analysis and provide either comments or approval by the Nashville Department of Transportation of 20 business days has been added.
Bonding Recognition for Implementation of Multimodal Transportation Analysis Recommendations
Reference to the Metropolitan Code, Chapter 13, Section 13.20.050 has been made.
These code changes will result in more thorough transportation analyses that identify the needs of all road users, enhance the development review efficiency, and inform the Nashville Department of Transportation and development teams of infrastructure improvements for Davidson County. The third reading of Ordinance BL2023-2010 was approved on August 15, 2023, with a unanimous vote.