Connect Downtown, a 10-year Action Plan, and the Imagine East Bank Vision Plan, a comprehensive and long-term effort to revitalize Nashville’s East Bank, both strive to manage and reduce traffic congestion, specifically around Nashville Special Events. The Rideshare Zone Pilot Program will assist with the development of a Rideshare Framework Guide which NDOT will be able to use when implementing other drop-off and pick-up zones for rideshare throughout downtown.
Connect Downtown recommends multiple rideshare zones throughout the downtown core.
Tennessee Performing Arts Center Rideshare Pilot Program
The Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) is proposing a four-week rideshare pilot program from January 28, 2025, through February 23, 2025 aimed at improving event-related congestion at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TPAC). By establishing rideshare zones, the pilot seeks to enhance the rideshare experience while increasing patron safety by providing drivers with a dedicated space to pick-up and drop-off riders out of the flow of traffic. This pilot hopes to create a more organized and efficient transportation system for TPAC events.
Presentation to the Traffic and Parking Commission on January 13, 2025
Location and Infrastructure
Two designated rideshare and taxi pick-up and drop-off zones will be established on Deaderick Street. The first zone will include four parking spaces in the westbound lane across from the main entrance/exit. The second zone will include five parking spaces in the eastbound lane at the secondary entrance/exit.
NDOT Parking Enforcement will manage traffic control setup, including cone placement and lane closures. NDOT will organize appropriate outdoor signage to clearly mark these zones.
The designated rideshare and taxi pick-up and drop-off zones will be blocked off 24 hours in advance of each TPAC performance during the pilot program period and enforced by NDOT.
Contact Meghan Mathson Transportation Demand Management Manager or Brent Schultz Connect Downtown Project.