In Phase I, the Leveraging Advanced Data to Deliver Multimodal Safety (LADDMS) initiative demonstrated remarkable results with its cutting-edge, sensing technology. The system provides real-time visualization and data analysis to identify safety concerns that often go unnoticed.
Highlights of Phase I include:
- 30% reduction in high-speed driving.
- 75% decrease in out-of-crosswalk events.
- Successful community-centered engagement leading to high-quality trajectories of vulnerable road users and vehicles, real-time measurement of near-miss events, and swift safety intervention evaluation.
Phase I: SMART Stage 1 2022, US Department of Transportation
Community Engagement
In December 2023, the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) project team hosted two in-person public engagement events at Bag Lady’s Fry Joint restaurant. The purpose of the events was to distribute and collect feedback on a survey, which asked residents and community members for input about how they travel along the SMART Grant corridor and how safe they feel doing so. Responders completed a paper survey or scanned a QR code to complete the survey on a mobile device. NDOT staff also boarded the WeGo Transit Route 22 buses to distribute surveys and assist riders with providing their input.
58% of community members who completed the survey said that all modes of transportation along the corridor were not accessible. Others stated that they had witnessed people regularly crossing the street at non-crosswalk locations.
Phase I of the SMART Grant aimed to make the corridor safer for all travelers. Since the survey a pedestrian hybrid beacon has been installed at the North Nashville transit center for safe crossing. Other types of improvements will include installing fencing, mid-block crossings, and integration of adaptive signaling, which will make Nashville safer for all travelers.