The Approved Materials Committee is responsible for the review and evaluation of all new products proposed for use in The Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure’s (NDOT) material line up. Once a product has been approved by the committee the product will be added to our Approved Materials List.
NDOT will not evaluate materials, products, or engineered systems that do not meet standards and requirements listed for the category and may reject submittals without further review if it determines that the standards and requirements have not been met. Manufacturers of materials, products, and engineered systems that do not meet the criteria for inclusion on the Approved Materials List may not submit a material, product, or engineered system for re-evaluation until the manufacturer has made material changes to the item to resolve the identified shortcomings. The applicant must discuss the changes with the committee before resubmitting.
Committee Meetings
The committee will meet and review applications quarterly. Applications collected during the quarter will be presented to the Approved Materials Committee by the NDOT contact under each Approved Materials Category. After the review, the committee will update the Approved Materials List with added/removed items. The Approved Materials Committee will review applications on the following dates: December 6, 2024, March 7, 2025, June 7, 2025, September 5, 2025, and December 5, 2025.
Approved Materials Application
Complete the application for consideration by the committee.