A future with zero roadway deaths on our streets.
Vision Zero Nashville is a Metro-wide initiative spearhead by the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) in partnership with the Mayor's Office, community organizations, businesses, and residents.
The Goal
Our collective goal is to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries on Metro Nashville roads.
No family should experience the tragedy of losing a loved one on our roads. That's why Vision Zero is a commitment to work together with everyone in the community to create safer roadways. Through responsible behavior, safer infrastructure, and collective action, we can achieve a future with no fatalities on Metro Nashville roads.
Take the Vision Zero Pledge
How many deaths on our roads is acceptable? Zero is the only acceptable answer. One life lost is one too many.
By working together, we can create a future where everyone on Metro Nashville roads arrives at their destination safely.

Vision Zero Action Plan and Implementation Plan

Vision Zero Advisory Committee

Data Speaks

We Are Nolensville Pike Project

Gallatin Pike and Main Street Project

Safe Routes to School Program Toolkit