31st Avenue was on schedule to be resurfaced winter of 2023 from West End Avenue to Park Plaza due to the condition of the roadway. The Nashville Department of Transportation (NDOT) took the opportunity to include pedestrian safety enhancements at the same time as the resurfacing project. The department also used the opportunity to pilot a bikeway and then evaluate the pilot for all forms of transportation (people walking/biking/rolling/using transit/driving).
The final resurfacing project includes safety improvements for people walking and biking.
This corridor is on Nashville’s Vision Zero High-Injury Network. NDOT is now evaluating how 31st Ave improvements are performing for all users.
Take the 31st Ave N post-construction evaluation survey.
Project Limits
31st Ave North between West End Ave and Park Plaza
District 21: Council Member Brandon Taylor
Pedestrian Safety Project
The following enhanced pedestrian crossings include Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs):
- 31st Ave North at Hedrick Street
- 31st Ave North- North of Hedrick Street
- 31st Ave North at Poston Avenue
- 31st Ave North at Belwood Street
- 31st Ave North between Long Boulevard and Parman Place
Bikeway Pilot Project
The pilot bikeway was installed October 2023, repurposing one driving lane in each direction to accommodate the bikeway. The 31st Ave North bikeway is included in the 2022-2024 WalknBike three-year work plan to be designed and constructed.
Community Engagement
The project team conducted community engagement and traffic analysis to evaluate the pilot bikeway.
Feedback and analysis:
- 31st Ave North Bikeway Pilot Survey Summary
- 31st Ave North Bikeway Pilot Traffic Analysis Memo
- 31st Ave North Bikeway Pilot StoryMap
Feedback on the pilot was sharply divided. The majority of respondents were drivers who felt that the bikeway did not work well; however, the majority of respondents who use bicycles, scooters, and buses felt that the bikeway did work well. The most frequent concerns focused on the merge at West End Avenue, congestion, and parking in the bike lane. Responding to these concerns, the bikeway plans were improved to better serve the community's specific travel needs.
The traffic study found that for most of the day, traffic continues to flow with minimal delays/queuing. During peak hours, the lane reduction has resulted in moderate increases in queuing at some intersections. Overall this contributes to approximately 0-30 seconds of additional travel time for drivers along the full length of the corridor during peak hours. Some of this impact can be reduced through signal timing improvements. The study also found that the pilot has reduced observed vehicle speeds on the corridor, improving safety. Average driver speeds on the corridor have reduced from 34 mph to 29 mph, and the changes have almost completely eliminated driver speeds over 40 mph.
Meetings Held
- 31st Ave North Pilot Bikeway Project Community Meeting: Thursday, December 7, 2023 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Community Ride and Reaction: Thursday, November 9, 2023 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- 31st Ave North Pilot Bikeway Project Pop-up and Open House: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
- Metro Council District 21 Community Meeting: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 6 p.m.
Meeting Materials
- 31st Ave North Bikeway Network Map
- 31st Ave North Bikeway Network Map with Additional Projects
- 31st Ave North Complete Project List
Stakeholder Presentations
- Tuesday, September 26, 2023: Vison Zero Advisory Committee Bike/Pedestrian Subcommittee
- Thursday, September 28, 2023: Vision Zero Advisory Committee
- Tuesday, October 3: Vanderbilt Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
For questions on public engagement for this project, you can contact Community Engagement Specialist Koby Langner.