The Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) selected five intersections included in Nashville’s High-Injury Network (HIN) for operational and design improvements to increase safety for roadway users. All five intersections were included in the HIN for having historically high crash rates. Through a two-stage analysis and design process, NDOT will implement various solutions catered to the needs of each intersection, including improved signal timing, roadway design, and pedestrian infrastructure to increase safety at each intersection. These projects further advance NDOT’s Vision Zero program, an initiative that aims to reduce all roadway-related fatalities and severe injuries.
Garfield Street and Delta Avenue
Currently in the preliminary design and community engagement phase. A preliminary design has been created and the team will seek feedback before proceeding. Expected improvements include sidewalks, striping improvements, enhanced bus stops, raised medians, and signage. Complete design expected in first quarter 2025.
- Garfield and Delta Preliminary Design Concept: Alternative 1
- Garfield and Delta Preliminary Design Concept: Alternative 2
4th Avenue and Church Street
Currently in preliminary design phase. Expected improvements include striping, signal timing, delineator installation, curb ramp installation, and signage. Complete design expected in first quarter 2025.
Rep. John Lewis Way and Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard
Currently in preliminary design phase. Expected improvements include signal timing, striping, signage, pedestrian infrastructure, and delineators. Complete design expected in first quarter 2025.
Rep. John Lewis Way and Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. Boulevard Preliminary Design Concept
Hillsboro Circle and Bandywood Drive
Metro Council Districts 25 and 34
Currently in preliminary design phase. Expected improvements include signal timing, vehicle lane reconfiguration, a raised concrete median, sidewalks, lighting, striping, and signage. Complete design expected in first quarter 2025.
Brick Church Pike and Ewing Drive
Currently in preliminary design phase. Expected improvements include signal timing, vehicle lane reconfiguration, bus stop relocation, sidewalks, pedestrian signals, lighting, striping, and signage. Complete design expected in first quarter 2025.