Project Limits
South side of McGavock Pike and the east side of Gallatin Pike
Council Districts 5 and 6: Council Member Sean Parker and Council Member Clay Capp
Project Description
Status: begin 90% Design Phase
This project will bridge multiple sidewalk gaps on McGavock Pike and Gallatin Pike, improving walkability and pedestrian safety. The new sidewalk will provide safe connections for people walking to neighborhoods and destinations for transportation and recreation.
The estimated construction start date is March 2025.
Vision Zero
Though McGavock Pike is not identified on the Vision Zero High Injury Network, its intersection with Gallatin Pike places it along the High Injury Network. Gallatin Pike is characterized as a corridor with some of the highest number of injuries experienced by pedestrians and motorists.
Both McGavock Pike and Gallatin Pike contain projects within the Sidewalk Priority Network, and this specific project falls into the Walk Bike workplan for 2022-2024. This project is prioritized to enhance connectivity, access to transit, and create a safer crossing for pedestrians using the corridor.
Community Engagement
- 90% Design Meeting: McGavock Pike Sidewalk Project Community Meeting on Thursday, January 16 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
- 60% Design Meeting: McGavock Pike Sidewalk Project Community Meeting on Thursday, February 1, 2024 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
- 30% Design Meeting: McGavock Pike Sidewalk Project Community Meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 5 p.m.
For questions on public engagement for this project, you can contact Community Engagement Specialist Koby Langner.