The East Nashville Spokes project, formerly known as East Nashville Backbones, includes community engagement, design, and construction of bikeways and other multimodal transportation improvements for the following streets in East Nashville:
- Woodland/Union streets between 3rd Ave North downtown and S 11th Street in East Nashville
- South 5th Street between Woodland and Davidson streets
- South 10th Street between Woodland and Sevier streets
- East Nashville Spokes Project Extents Map
Current Project Status: Based on the community feedback and technical analysis in 2023, the project team developed a preferred concept for each corridor in 2024. The project team is submitting the concepts and additional documentation to the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review in early 2025. NEPA review is required because the project is funded in part through the federal government; the purpose of NEPA review is to understand the environmental impacts of projects. We anticipate that NEPA review will be complete in 2025, with final design and construction to follow.
In July 2024, the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) successfully submitted for additional funding to construct the Spokes project through the new federal Active Transportation Infrastructure Improvement Program (ATIIP) grant, and NDOT received notification in January 2025 that the project was awarded funding.
Stay tuned for additional communications with more details on the NEPA review process and implementation timeline. The project team will also engage with individual stakeholders as part of NEPA review.
East Nashville Spokes Preliminary Design Plans
Engagement and concept design has been underway since spring 2023.
The project team held an open house on October 19, 2023, for the community to learn more, experience bikeway elements, and share feedback on the design concepts.
Review the proposed design concepts and other materials shared at the open house event:
- Traffic Analysis Information
- Traffic Data: Existing Conditions 2023
- Full Project Renderings: Alternative 1
- Full Project Renderings: Alternative 2
- South 5th Street: Concept Alternative 1
- South 10th Street: Concept Alternative 1
- Woodland Street from 2nd Ave to S 5th Street: Concept Alternative 1
- Woodland Street from S 6th Street to S 11th Street: Concept Alternative 1
- South 5th Street: Concept Alternative 2
- South 10th Street: Concept Alternative 2
- Woodland Street from 2nd Ave to S 5th Street: Concept Alternative 2
- Woodland Street from S 6th Street to S 11th Street: Concept Alternative 2
Traffic Analysis
- East Nashville Spokes Traffic Growth Memo dated June 22, 2023
- East Nashville Spokes Mode Shift Memo dated June 16, 2023
Engagement Reports
The summer 2023 East Nashville Spokes public survey gathered the thoughts and opinions of Nashvillians regarding planned, designated bike facilities on Woodland/Union Streets, South 5th Street, and South 10th Street. The survey collected input from July 25, 2023 to August 18, 2023, and received 320 responses.
East Nashville Spokes Public Survey Report
The project team also summarized feedback from the fall 2023 public open house event and online survey. Review the fall 2023 engagement report at the link below.
East Nashville Spokes Outreach Phase Two Report
Project Timeline
- Winter 2022 through Spring 2023: field survey and traffic analysis
- Spring 2023 through Fall 2023: conceptual design and community engagement
- Fall 2023 through Winter 2023: federal environmental documentation (National Environmental Policy Act, known as "NEPA")
- 2024 through 2025: finalize design, begin construction